đŸŒŧLiquidity Pool

  • When you add liquidity to the pool, you will receive an amount of LP tokens.

  • When someone conducts a token AnotherSwap, 0.05% of the transaction fee is paid to the liquidity providers in the form of a bonus fee. The liquidity pool also allows you to stake LP tokens to receive BSW tokens on the farm.

Therefore, in addition to earning income from token AnotherSwaps, you can also Stake LP tokens to get more BSW.

❗ī¸The provision of liquidity is a temporary loss and may also carry certain risks. So you need to know all the pros and cons of providing liquidity before taking any action.

How to provide liquidity on AnotherSwap:

Step 1: In the homepage interface, select Trade. Then select Liquidity -> Add Liquidity

Step 2: Select the token pair and amount of each token you want to contribute and the liquidity pool (Example: BNB-C98)

Step 3: You click Supply -> Confirm Supply to contribute liquidity

Step 4: If you agree with the cost of a liquid contribution, select Send

If the donation is successful, the system will confirm on the screen.

Last updated